During the Angel Outreach Day of Service, Incarnate Word Academy’s first grade students prepared and sent care packages to U.S. troops in the Middle East. The soldiers received the care packages on April 15. First Lieutenant Lyn Srinual expressed gratitude in a video on behalf of the soldiers, who deeply appreciated the letters, snacks, and other gifts the Angels put together for them.
From making personal home visits to using social media, and posting photos of finished S.T.R.E.A.M. projects, to shout-out videos and photomontages, teachers and staff throughout the Diocese of Corpus Christi miss their students and are showing they care.
Incarnate Word Academy is working to find safe and creative ways to celebrate the Class of 2020 during this time of social distancing. To recognize the graduating Angels, each senior was given a custom yard sign to display at their home and share their success with our local community. The entire IWA Community is proud of each member of the Class of 2020 for reaching this important milestone.
During this difficult time of the pandemic the South Texas Catholic, in order to be good stewards of our resources, will not be printing the May, June and July issue of the magazine. Please enjoy the magazine in its entirety online at www.southtexascatholic.com.
Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops led the nation in a moment of prayer on Good Friday for an end of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Praying the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus together offered a special moment of unity for the faithful during a time when communities throughout the U.S. and worldwide are physically unable to congregate for Holy Week and Easter because of COVID-19.
These days many Catholic families are faced with some major challenges due to recent events on a global scale. Masses have been publicly suspended; parents are having to keep their children at home and classes are taught online.
You are invited to celebrate Holy Week via live stream on the Diocese of Corpus Christi’s Website at https://diocesecc.org/holy-week, Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, and GoCCN.org.
To meet the spiritual needs of people during these troubled times and in the future, EWTN Global Catholic Network has launched a new Spiritual Resources site, www.ewtn.com/resources,
Corpus Christi Hope House is taking all necessary precautions during the COVID-19 crisis. We are continuing to serve our clients while following the guidelines of city, state, and national officials. Our shelters are at full capacity with 31 women and children currently in residence. Of those residents, nine are babies.
Acompañé a un grupo de diez estudiantes de la Universidad Texas A&M -Corpus Christi, pertenecientes al Newman Center, en un viaje de servicio a la Escuela Café con Leche en la República Dominicana. Nos sumergimos en una experiencia cultural de servicio, comunidad y espiritualidad. Profundizamos nuestra relación con Dios y entre nosotros mismos, a través del servicio. El amor, la novedad, la apertura, los múltiples encuentros que experimentamos y el entusiasmo de todos fueron los elementos que dieron origen al ecosistema que nos alimentó durante toda la semana. Fue en ese ecosistema donde todos florecimos mientras adquiríamos profundos conocimientos sobre la vida.
I accompanied a group of ten students from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Newman Center on a service trip to the Café con Leche School in the Dominican Republic. We immersed ourselves in a cultural experience of service, community and spirituality. We deepened our relationship with God and with one another through service. The love, the novelty, the openness, the multiple encounters that we experienced, and the enthusiasm of everyone were the elements that gave birth to the ecosystem that nourished us throughout the week. It was in that ecosystem that everyone flourished while acquiring deep insights into life.
As the number of U.S. COVID-19 cases expands, some healthcare providers are rolling out drive-through testing to help protect patients and healthcare workers from contracting the virus. Alice Pediatric Clinic located on 305. E. Third St. in Alice began drive-up testing for COVID-19 last week.
CHRISTUS Physician Group is drastically expanding telehealth services and online screening tools across South and Southeast Texas with the launch of secure video and telephone visits and an online COVID-19 screening tool.
Please be aware that Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi and the Mother Teresa Shelter are monitoring the current Coronavirus situation closely and are taking precautionary measures to prepare for and prevent the spread of this virus. Food Pantry, Financial Assistance, and Immigration Services by appointment only. To set up an appointment call (361) 884-0651 .
When you give to the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal, you support the mission of the Church across our entire diocese, which consists of 69 parishes, 32 missions, Catholic Charities, Mother Teresa Shelter, and the Diocesan Communications Network, along with 15 diocesan schools.
Para el padre Arularasu Mathias, el papel de capellán en el hospital CHRISTUS Spohn Shoreline le ha permitido ejercer su ministerio entre los pacientes de una manera personal y pastoral. Muy a menudo, tanto los pacientes como sus familias se enfrentan con enfermedades graves y necesitan orientación espiritual, para lidiar mejor emocionalmente con condiciones médicas difíciles.
The new executive director of Catholic Charities and Mother Teresa Shelter is a servant leader. He has served the U.S. Army in a variety of high-level positions: as deputy commander general in San Antonio, as general commander of an entire division at Fort Hood, as senior advisor to the Afghanistan minister of defense in Kabul, Afghanistan, and as deputy director of regional operations in Washington D.C. More recently, he has served as executive director for the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group, and mobile pantry driver for the Coastal Bend Food Bank – responsible for delivering food to residents hardest hit by Hurricane Harvey.