St. Joseph Catholic School is pleased to announce the Office of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Corpus Christi has named Romualda (Katie) C. Barrera as Interim Principal of St. Joseph Catholic School.
St. John Paul II High School seniors Clarissa Ortiz and Maya Zamarron were presented with certificates of recognition for their outstanding academic achievements, at a meeting of the Rotary Club of Southside Corpus Christi on Sept. 19.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Sept. 25, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Our Lady of Guadalupe is at work today in the Church in the United States through the faith and action of her numerous followers, Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson told the Fifth National Encuentro for Hispanic/Latino Ministry that concluded Sunday in Grapevine, Texas.
Honoring Dr. Hector P. Garcia, Incarnate Word Academy celebrated the life of the renowned Mexican-American civil rights leader during a memorial Mass on Sept. 19 in the IWA Chapel.
Incarnate Word Academy Middle-Level students were offered the opportunity to speak and interact with former United States Presidential candidate and current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson during a video call on Sept. 17.
Incarnate Word Academy Middle Level joined thousands of educators across the nation during the Get Your Teach On (GYTO) Rock Your School Day on Sept. 20.
In spite of inclement weather, some 550 people attended The Ark Gala on Sept. 13 at the Richard Borchard Regional Fairgrounds. According to The Ark’s executive director, Delma Trejo, the gala raised $120,000 this year, a few thousand up from last year’s fundraiser. Keynote speaker Derek Clark’s inspirational message was one of transformation.
Areas of Corpus Christi North Beach that were affected by Hurricane Harvey-caused erosion will be restored through a Texas General Land Office (GLO) project funded largely by a grant from FEMA.
Incarnate Word Academy hosted its annual College Fair for high school level students on Sept. 17. This past year, 100% of IWA’s Class of 2018 was accepted to a college or university with 99% of students attending a four-year major university and 1% attending a two-year college or university. The 67 students of the High School Level graduating Class of 2018 were offered over $10.9 million in college scholarships.
St. Gertrude School in Kingsville honored local first responders by hosting a Blue Mass and breakfast on Sept. 11. Father Joseph Lopez celebrated Mass in St. Gertrude Church and first responders were treated to pastries, coffee and juice afterward.
On Sept. 11 St. Pius X School hosted their 2nd annual Celebrity Science Night by inviting experts from the Texas Sealife Center, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, South Texas Botanical Gardens, and many more.
Incarnate Word Academy commemorated the anniversary of the death of Venerable Jeanne Chézard de Matel, the foundress of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament (IWBS), and the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, during a campus-wide Mass on Sept. 11. The Mass was held in the school’s Mother Patricia Gunning Gymnasium with Father Richard Libby serving as the Celebrant.
Incarnate Word Academy Elementary Level families were invited to attend the annual Family Fun Fiesta at the school’s playground on Sept. 7. Families enjoyed extra playground time as well as great food provided by local food truck vendors Flamin’ Grill Steaks & Burgers and Sno-Ball On-Da-Go.
Local non-commercial FM radio station KLUX 89.SHD will hold it's annual on-the-air, fall "PledgeFest" fundraiser beginning this coming Monday morning, Sept. 10. The two-day event will feature KLUX air personalities and guests making on-air appeals and taking phone pledges for the listener-supported station. The goal of the two-day event is $20,000. More information is available on the station's website at
It is a special calling, CHRISTUS Spohn leaders say, as the health system celebrated the graduation of three new chaplains from the Clinical Pastoral Education Program - Clara Dina Hinojosa, Father Tomy Raphel and Kenneth Boggs.
Seventeen Catholic schools proudly displayed their flags as they processed into Corpus Christi Cathedral at the beginning of the annual Mass celebrating the 2018-2019 school year. Exiting students, staff, parents and faculty filled the cathedral on Sept. 5 as other students, not in attendance, watched the live stream in their classrooms courtesy of the Catholic Communications Network.
Bishop Michael Mulvey thanked the Border Patrol, local ranchers and members of the community at a meeting he attended in Falfurrias on Aug. 30. The meeting, he said, "offered great insights into their difficult work in dealing with human and drug trafficking." "I was moved by the traumatic accounts of people being mistreated by the traffickers and their personal accounts of treating the people they pick-up with humane treatment and dignity," Bishop Mulvey said.