A 34-year-old California man was arrested by San Diego police Monday after allegedly threatening to kill churchgoers and city employees. According to San Diego Police Chief Richard Nava, Wade Clayton Randolph told churchgoers at the catholic church on the 400 block of South Victoria Street that he was going to kill them and set an example.
The Christmas spirit is running high at Sacred Heart parish in Rockport, as the reopening of their school appears to be on schedule for Jan. 4, 2018. Four new spacious modular buildings are in place and almost ready to receive students and teachers.
On Sunday Dec. 3, the Catholic Daughters of Most Precious Blood Court #2380 and Knights of Columbus joined Bishop Michael Mulvey for his Annual Christmas Mass at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Garza West Transfer Facility in Beeville. This was the first time the Court participated in this Mass.
Christmas is more than just a holiday but a chance to give back to the community for minor league baseball player Jose Trevino. While promoting a New Balance shoe give away in Corpus Christi for children in need, Trevino brainstormed an idea to benefit more than just those the give away could help.
The numbers of people and organizations volunteering to help with Hurricane Harvey recovery have dwindled considerably, according the Deacon RIchard Longoria, Harvey Volunteer Coordinator for the Diocese of Corpus Christi. Even though the hurricane struck in late August, Deacon Longoria said, “still much is left to do everywhere in the zone.”
In early December, the Diocese of Corpus Christi placed Lee Gwozdz, conductor for the scheduled “A Cathedral Christmas” concert of the Cathedral Concert Series, on paid administrative leave due to a personnel matter, which continues to be examined according to established policies and procedures. As a consequence, the concert performances scheduled for Dec. 22 and 23 have been cancelled.
Ninety parishioners from Our Lady of Guadalupe in Edroy and Sacred Heart in Odem participated the 7th annual six-mile walk on Dec. 10 in honor of the feast day celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
St. Pius X School fourth through sixth grade students continue to work on robotics and coding. Over the last couple of weeks sixth grade students have been using the EVS Mind Stream Lego program to build their robots. Fourth grade students, meanwhile, are using the coding app Blocky to program DASH to make certain moves and/or sounds.
Anticipándose a las malas condiciones climáticas pronosticadas para mañana por la mañana, y teniendo en cuenta la seguridad de los estudiantes, la Superintendente de Escuelas Católicas Rosemary Henry ha anunciado que las 18 escuelas de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi retrasarán el inicio de las clases mañana por la mañana. Las clases se reanudarán el viernes, 8 de diciembre, a las 10 a.m.
In anticipation of the poor weather conditions forecast for tomorrow morning, and keeping student safety in mind, Superintendent of Catholic Schools Rosemary Henry has announced that all 18 schools of the Diocese of Corpus Christi will delay the start of classes tomorrow morning. Classes will resume on Friday, Dec. 8, at 10 a.m.
“We need it to have it more often, not just one visit.” And what was the “it” Elda Olvera, ministerial assistant at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Alice, was referring to? Sisters Rock, of course. “It” was the brainchild of Sister Gloria Rodriguez, Director of Consecrated Life and Women’s Vocations for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, and her vocation team.
In celebration of Computer Science Education Week, Elementary Level students in Heather Quintana’s STEAM classes participated in an Hour of Code activity on Dec. 4.
On Monday, Dec. 4, Pope Francis named Father Mario Alberto Avilés, CO, Auxiliary Bishop of Brownsville. Up until now, Father Avilés served as the Procurator General of the Congregation of the Oratory and as a parish priest in the Diocese of Brownsville.
Young Catholic Adults Corpus Christi are hosting an “Ugly Christmas Sweater Party & Advent Reflection” on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on Friday, Dec. 8, which is a Holy Day of Obligation. The event will start at 6 p.m. with Mass at Most Precious Blood, followed by a Christmas party in the Maria Goretti Youth Center.
The Chancery staff of the Diocese of Corpus Christi held their annual “Day of Reflection” on Friday, Dec. 1, at St. Philip the Apostle Parish. The theme of the day was “Listening with a Servant’s Heart.”
In a spirit of simplicity, joy, availability and generous self-giving, the Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Mary and Joseph follow Christ, who abandoned himself to the will of the Father. We strive to reflect his image spreading the good news of salvation to the poor and most in need with merciful love and compassion. The Missionary Sisters of Jesus, Mary and Joseph have served the Diocese of Corpus Christi for 61 years.
The Scribes and Pharisees who were hostile to Jesus tried to trip him up by asking, “which is the greatest commandment?” And Jesus gives his well-known reply “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.” And of course Jesus also gives the second commandment, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Father James Vasquez told a banquet crowd at the annual Religious and Clergy Appreciation Dinner held at the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds in Robstown on Nov. 2, that his vocation story was boring. “God called me to be a priest so I am one,” Father Vasquez said.
El programa de radio “Semillas de Esperanza” esta cumpliendo 10 años al aire ya que el mes de octubre de 2007 se dio inicio a sus transmisiones. El programa se transmite todos los domingos a las 7 de la mañana a través de la estación de radio de la Diócesis de Corpus Christi, KLUX del 89.5 HD-1 y en “Listen Live” en KLUX.org. Surgió por iniciativa de los padres José Naul Ordóñez, Henry Artunduaga y Juan Fernando Gámez, en la Parroquia de San José en Alice, Texas.
Most Alliance for Catholic Education teaching fellows will happily tell you why they love teaching in a Catholic school. “The beauty of Catholic schools is that it is a smaller community. You grow up feeling love where you don’t normally,” said Clare Wojda (pronounced “Voida”), one of six University of Notre Dame ACE teaching fellows who are currently working at Catholic schools in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.