"God's voracious enthusiasm is always trying to touch us, mold us and help us to progress in a relationship with him," Father Albert Haase, DFM said to those gathered for the annual Clergy and Religious Appreciation Banquet held at the Ortiz Center on Oct. 29.
Incarnate Word Academy seniors attended a faith-based retreat on Oct. 14 at the Pax Christi Liturgical Retreat Center in Calallen. The event allowed students to come together, outside of their regular school setting to explore, experience and reflect on the presence of God in their lives and to share their experience with one another.
Incarnate Word Academy united with the rest of the nation by making it orange as students, faculty, staff and parents wore orange on National Unity Day to send the message, “Make it Orange and Make it End.” National Unity Day is recognized during Bullying Prevention Week, which was celebrated campus wide during the week of Oct. 19-23.
Teachers, students and families viewed science projects from Incarnate Word Academy’s Middle Level Science Fair on Oct. 16 at the school’s James R. Dougherty, Jr. Center. There were winning categories for each grade from first to sixth place, most creative idea and most attractive board. Science fair winners will move on to compete in the Coastal Bend Regional Science Fair and Diocesan Science Fair in the spring.
While not specifically mentioning the controversial proposal of a path toward full reconciliation and Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried, members of the Synod of Bishops on the family handed Pope Francis a report emphasizing an obligation to recognize that not all Catholics in such a situation bear the same amount of blame.
A serial killer of children took the life of her youngest child, but Marietta Jaeger-Lane reached deep into her Catholic faith and upbringing to forgive him. Today she is actively campaigning for the abolition of the death penalty and she did so at the state capitol in Austin on Friday, Oct. 23 at a conference on "rethinking the death penalty."
The Texas Catholic Conference of bishops expressed their appreciation to Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s LIFE Initiative to provide greater protections for children in the womb and to prevent the sale of fetal tissue in the state of Texas. The bishops are also grateful for the announcement of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission’s decision to end Planned Parenthood's participation in the state's Medicaid Program due to affiliates’ failure to perform “medical services in a professionally competent, safe, legal, and ethical manner."
The varsity and junior varsity girls’ cross country teams both earned first place at the TAPPS District Cross Country Meet on Oct. 17. The junior varsity boys’ team earned third place and varsity boys’ team received fourth place.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, said an Italian newspaper's claims about the pope's health were "entirely unfounded."
Sacred Heart School in Rockport held its 2015-16 Science Fair at school library on Oct. 14-15. Students were challenged to find a problem, decide how to solve it, predict an answer and then report on the findings.
Immigrant Catholics from Kerala, India say that in America it is impossible to do family prayer as it is done in their homeland. Many convincing reasons are enumerated to substantiate it. Nobody can find fault with anyone who gave up this sacred tradition because the schedule of the work and other activities is incredibly hectic, not at all conducive to keep up family evening prayer. They have to swim against the strong currents of the culture. My experiences in USA for the last 15 years, I thought, justified it, too.
Incarnate Word Academy seniors participated in a faith-based retreat on Oct. 14 at the Pax Christi Sisters Retreat Center in Calallen. The event provided students to come together outside of the regular school setting to explore, experience and reflect on the presence of God in their lives and to share this experience with one another.
The St. John Paul II High School Health Careers Club made a field trip to Texas A&M University College of Pharmacy in Kingsville on Oct. 15. The purpose was educational for both of the Health Careers Club teams.
The Office of Divine Worship presented three workshops in the Deaneries of Alice, Corpus Christi and Kingsville to 120 parish musicians, including directors of music, organists, pianists, choir members, cantors and guitarists. Twenty parishes participated in the workshops.
On Thursday, Oct. 1 several St. John Paul II High School seniors attended the Annual Red Mass at the Corpus Christi Cathedral. Arriving an hour and half early they joyfully and willingly helped with whatever was asked of them. They greeted and escorted the many judges who were there to attend the Mass, assisted in the banner procession, and one student was even able to altar serve.
One hundred ten members, including 50 singers, of the Cathedral Youth Choir of Corpus Christi will join youth from around the world in the 40th International Congress of Pueri Cantores to be hosted in Rome and Vatican City, from Dec. 26–Jan. 2, 2016. Pueri Cantores is the official student choral organization of the Catholic Church.
Parishioners from St. Joseph Catholic Church in Beeville headed to the Spiritual Renewal Center in Victoria for their 2nd Annual Parish Autumn Retreat from Oct. 2-4. The theme of this year’s retreat, “Into the Heart of Mercy,” was in response to Pope Francis’ declaration that the period of Dec. 8 to Nov. 20, 2016, would be a “Jubilee Year of Mercy” in which people are called to reflect on and bear witness to the mercy of God.
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish held their 3rd Annual Rosary Fest on Oct. 7, the Feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary. Parishes from all over the Diocese of Corpus Christi came to participate in the day's events.
Two hundred and fifty alumni attended the 2015 reunion of St. John Nepomucene Catholic School in Robstown on Sept. 26. Among those in attendance were all seven children of Fritz and Winnie Abbott, who attended grade school and high school from 1946-1969. The school closed in 1970. It was the first time all seven siblings were able to attend the reunion at the same time.
The Incarnate Word Academy High School Level swim and dive team competed in their first meet of the season on Oct. 3 at the Corpus Christi ISD Sprint Invitational. The Lady Angels received seventh place overall with a team score of 21 and the boys team placed ninth overall with a score of 30.