Corpus Christi Cathedral Youth Choir will sing at the International Congress of Pueri Cantores in Washington D.C. in July and Lee Gwozdz, the Diocesan Director of the Office of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, will conduct a choir of 800 singers from all over the world.
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- U.S. Catholic bishops said the U.S. Supreme Court's June 26 rulings on same-sex marriage were a "tragic day for marriage and our nation."
Twenty-eight members of the Little Flower Girls' Club at St. Anthony School in Robstown made solemn promises at a special Mass held at St. Anthony Church on May 23.
Father Jean F. Hart, 87, a priest with the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) for 23 years, died Wednesday, June 19, after a long illness.
Recent first communicants from Our Lady of Guadalupe in Tivoli, St. Anthony in Austwell and St. Dennis in the O’Connor Ranch pose for a picture with their teachers and pastor at Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The Our Lady of Perpetual Help Celestial girls team and the St. George Longhorns boys team captured the Diocese of Corpus Christi Office of Youth Ministry basketball tournament for area high school youth groups on June 7 held at Blessed John Paul II High School. The winners won a prize of $500 for their parish’s youth program.
Catholic Charities is partnering with the YMCA on a new program called MEND, Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do it. The program is an evidenced based and sustainable solution to the child obesity crisis, Shannette Hoelscher with Catholic Charities said.
To build up the buzz for the upcoming diocesan Youth Spectacular, Our Lady of Victory Parish in Beeville, Texas, hosted a “mini” Youth Spectacular for 130 local youth and young adults on June 15.
A group of 53 Texas missionaries, including 28 from St. Andrew by the Sea Parish in Corpus Christi, departed for a weeklong mission trip to San Pablo, Ecuador on June 7. The mission group, Amigos de Texas, will be providing medical aid, education and construction to the people of San Pablo.
St. Anthony School 8th grade students graduated on May 29. A reception was held in the parish hall after Mass where students were presented with awards and a diploma. They also read speeches they wrote about their experience of the years they spent at St. Anthony School. Pictured in the front row, from left, are Lauren Lascano, Roger Garcia Jr., Anna Cisneros, John Charo, Alex Rodriguez, Lourdes Cortez, Isabella Martinez, Julia Gonzales and Sister Paz Aribon, Principal. In the back row are Mrs. Noemi Gonzalez, Teacher, Father Tony Blount, Pastor and Father George Nedeff.
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – After placing first in the Junior Individual Historical Paper category at the Texas History Day Contest, Sheridan Steen is competing in the Kenneth E. Behring National History Day Contest at the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland from June 9-13.