Twenty-two men were ordained to the diaconate in November 2008 by Bishop Edmond Carmody. Now, 15 years later, they organized a reunion: 11 of them made it to attend, and one of their instructors.
They started with a solemn Mass at noon in the Corpus Christi Cathedral. Since Bishop Michael Mulvey had another commitment, Bishop Emeritus Edmond Carmody presided over the Mass.
He reminded everyone of the day 15 years ago when 22 men were lying on the ground, offering themselves to be instruments of the Lord. “My heart is filled with gratitude,” he said and thanked the families for their support. Referring to the day’s Gospel about the banquet, which many were invited to, but only a few came – a parable of the Kingdom of God - he reminded the deacons, “Never forget the kingdom of God, where Christ is the head.”
A lunch in St. Joseph’s Hall followed, prepared with much love and dedication. Three of their class already passed away, a few moved to other states, and one returned to his native country, the Philippines.
Deacon Roger Rosenbaum brought gifts for Bishop Mulvey, Bishop Emeritus Carmody and Deacon Michael Mantz – beautiful sketches and paintings done by artists in prison.
“Stay faithful to the Church and the pope,” said Bishop Emeritus Carmody to the deacons and their wives. “And never forget the kingdom of God!” Around 20,000 Catholic permanent deacons are in the U.S., “and you make the world a better place.”
The deacons attending were Mike Noble, Roger Rosenbaum, Chris Luna, Teo Farias, Pete Trevino, Ed Rowley, Frank Newchurch, Ron Martinez, Larry Rodriguez, Alan Cicora, Polar Gonzalez and their instructor Rick Costly.