The mission statement of the South Texas Human Rights Center is to end death and suffering among migrant border crossers through community initiatives. The placement of water stations in the brush is the main way that the STHRC and its volunteers attempt to prevent death.
It takes $50 to build a water station. The goal is to place 100 water stations in and around Brooks County. Today 80 stations are in place because of wonderful volunteers!
Since March 2015, we have been tracking water station data. We are in need of a full time volunteer to take over this work. To prepare, place, repair, fill and maintain records and maps of the water stations is an important but time consuming task.
Each station needs to be visited once a week during summer. This past week, 61 water jugs were taken from the water stations. Water is taken most frequently from stations located on ranches.
A frequently asked question is whether or not I have ever met a border crosser at a water station. I have not. However, there has been evidence that border crossers have found our stations. Near one station in a shaded resting spot we found a baby bottle and clothing. At another barrel, our one-gallon water jugs were replaced by four darkened and used water jugs. Darkening the jugs makes them less reflective of light. Each one had a name inscribed on it.
We have had some vandalism of stations or calls to the sheriff to request that we take them down. A few are knocked down and we rebuild them (three this week). I believe that the majority of persons are in favor of having the water stations in place.
You never know who you are going to meet at a water station. Roman and I were checking a route and we noticed that a van had stopped and two persons were approaching the very same water station we were approaching (in the middle of nowhere no less). As it turned out the man was Lic. Juan José Rodríguez Alvarado, Director General of the Mexican State of Tamaulipas and the National Coordinator of CONOFAM (Coordinación Nacional de Oficinas Estatales de Atención a Migrantes), and his assistant, both of whom were on their way to a meeting with some consulates when they started seeing the water stations. Their curiosity won and they got out to look. They were delighted with our work and could not wait to share their pictures at their meeting.
We have five routes to tend the water stations. Just to get to our farthest station takes 70 minutes driving at 70 mph. Most water stations are on access roads (roads between ranch fences). We hope that more and more ranchers will allow water stations to be placed on their properties. Special thanks to each one who has helped in any way to build or fill a water station!