“Warriors to Lourdes,” a documentary produced by the Knights of Columbus, won an Emmy for “Outstanding Achievement for Documentary Programs – Topical” at the Chicago/Midwest Emmy Awards Ceremony held on Nov. 16, 2019.
The documentary focuses on
moral injury — an injury to a person's conscience after an act of perceived moral transgression. It follows wounded, ill, and injured veterans and their families who are seeking physical and spiritual healing incurred from war by participating in the annual
Warriors to Lourdes pilgrimage.
Michèle Nuzzo-Naglieri, Producer and Media Coordinator for the Knights of Columbus and director of the film, was present to receive the Emmy. She was joined by members from
Spirit Juice Studios, two of whom were on her crew in Lourdes.
In her acceptance speech, Nuzzo-Naglieri thanked the veterans who “let us in” to share their stories of struggle with the hope of encouraging others to seek healing. Nuzzo-Naglieri also thanked the
Knights of Columbus for “the deeply impactful way they are supporting veterans on their road to recovery.”
“The Knights has a long history of support for our service personnel and veterans, including bringing troops who served in World War I to Lourdes a century ago,” said Supreme Knight
Carl Anderson, who served as an executive producer of the documentary. “The film features modern warriors who we bring to the peace of Lourdes to contend not just with physical injuries but with deeper, spiritual wounds.”
Since 2013, the Knights of Columbus has worked with the
Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, (AMS) to sponsor the annual Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage. The event allows non-wounded, wounded, ill or injured military personnel, together with their designated caregivers and volunteers, to travel to the Marian
shrine during the
Pèlerinage Militaire International (PMI), or International Military Pilgrimage, for a time of rest, prayer and healing.
Thousands of veterans from more than 40 nations gather at one of the most popular pilgrimage sites in the Catholic Church. The site is known for its miraculous qualities since the Blessed Mother made a series of appearances to
Saint Bernadette Soubirous in the 19th-century.