Deacon Fred Castillo made the calculations: “We are celebrating 3,990 years of marriage today,” he said at the end of the Mass at Corpus Christi Cathedral celebrating World Marriage Day. Ninety-four couples celebrating 25, 50, 60 or more years of marriage had registered, and almost all attended. Some couples weathered 65 years of marriage, two celebrated 70 years, and one reached 75 years together.
Bishop Mulvey expressed gratitude for their faithfulness: “You are witnesses, or, as St Paul said, you are ambassadors for Christ.” For those who do not know how to say, “I am sorry, I was wrong,” such a long marriage could seem impossible. “You say with your life that it is possible,” – but it needs patience, forgiveness, sacrifices, and prayers.
A happy marriage is based on friendship, in the sense of wanting the best for the other person. Jesus took this concept to another level – “to lay down one’s life for your friends” (Jn 15:13). “The Sacrament of Marriage is a reflection of the love that God has for the Church – and for all of us,” said the Bishop.
After his homily, he gave a special blessing to all couples celebrating their anniversaries. They faced one another and exchanged a kiss.
Following the Mass, there was a reception in St. Joseph’s Hall, where every couple could take a picture with Bishop Mulvey and receive a certificate.
So, what is the secret of a long and happy marriage? “We respect each other, we give each other freedom,” says Anita Joya, married to Roberto “for 60 wonderful years.” “Lots of trust,” says her husband. “We disagree, but it doesn’t last long,” says the couple who has eight children.
“We have a lot of peace. There were difficulties when our children were growing up; we were barely making it, but we are very thankful to the Lord: in times of trouble, He was there to unite us and keep us going,” this is the experience of Joe and Mary Verastegui.
After 50 years, Bob and Jennie Blaschke agree: “Like Bishop said in his homily – we’ve been best friends since we’re together.” And what if there they disagree? “We’re back away from it and come back together,” shares Jennie. “Mutual respect is paramount for a lasting relationship,” says her husband.
“The secret is laughter – and lots of memories,” adds Adrian Rivera, celebrating 25 years of marriage. His wife Maggie is thankful for the beautiful mass: “I think the way we make it, day after day and year after year, is just having faith in God and being there for one another.”