On Jan. 21, The Ark Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter for Youth in Calallen has reached the milestone of serving 3,000 abused, neglected and displaced children and youth. The nonprofit organization provides everything required for the well being of newborns as young as 1-day old to teenagers that are 17-years-old.
The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services removes the minors from their homes because of abuse or neglect by a parent or guardian.
The Ark is the only licensed facility within an 80-mile radius contracted by the state to provide assessment services and emergency shelter to 37 minors up to 90 consecutive days. In addition, The Stork’s Home, a 24-bed wing of the facility, provides long-term care until the residents reach their 18th birthday, graduate from high school or the court determines that parents have met its requirements for the safe return of the children to their home.
The shelter admitted its first child on April 7, 2000. The 3,002nd resident was admitted on Jan. 21.
The staff strives to make a difference in the children's lives. When it is time for a child to be discharged, it is not unusual for the child to say he or she does not want to leave.
About 65 percent of the shelter’s operating revenues are provided by the state. The rest of the funds are derived from grants, donations and fundraisers.
The agency’s Web site─
www.ark4kids.com─has additional information about the shelter.