On Tuesday, November 7, the Diocese of Corpus Christi Office of Vocations held the Andrew Dinner at St. Pius X Parish’s Msgr. Richard Shirley Youth Center in Corpus Christi. The event takes place during National Vocation Awareness Week, November 5th through the 11th. The Andrew Dinner is named after St. Andrew, who in the Gospel of John, brought his brother, Simon Peter to meet Jesus.
This was a relaxed, no-pressure evening in which priests from the diocese accompanied approximately fifty young men from their parishes who are interested in learning more about the vocation to the priesthood. It began with an informal reception followed by dinner and a discussion. There was a priest seated at each table to enjoy dinner and lively conversation with the invited guests.
“We all have the primary call to holiness,” said Bob Cummings, Director of Vocations, and emcee of the event. “In order to reach that holiness, God has a specific plan for each one of us. Maybe his plan to reach holiness is through holy marriage. It could possibly be also the priesthood, or consecrated life. There are different ways that Jesus calls men and women.”
Seminarian Javier Ebertowski, Fr. Charles Silvas, and Bishop Michael Mulvey then took the stage. Javier spoke of his experiences discerning his vocation. Fr. Charles and Bishop Mulvey offered insight into the rewards and challenges of the priesthood.
“Throughout the discernment process, different phases, there will be different obstacles that come your way,” said Javier. “But through prayer, I realized that there is no way God is going to call me to live a life that's going to disappoint me.”
Father Charles Silvas, who serves as the chaplain at the Newman Center in Kingsville, chaplain at St. John Paul II High School in Corpus Christi, and as the Parochial Vicar at Saint Martin Parish in Kingsville, talked about his first year-and-a-half of priestly life.
“It has been a beautiful roller coaster ride,” said Fr. Charles. “But God has been present throughout this whole year and a half, and what he has revealed to me is deeper sense of fatherhood. God is the source of all fatherhood.”
“Do not be afraid,” added Fr. Charles as he addressed the young men. “You're not going to lose anything. You'll be gaining so much more than what you're going to be giving up, and God will always bless you for the sacrifices that you make for your vocation.”
“Stay close to your families, know what family life is,” remarked Bishop Mulvey. “Know the joys and the sorrows of family life.”
“Before you discern a calling to be a priest, know that you are first called to be a friend of Jesus Christ,” continued Bishop Mulvey. “In that sense, then I'm free for him to show me what he wants me to be, how he wants me to live my life. But without Jesus, the priesthood is empty.”
“Take a risk,” added Bishiop Mulvey. “A vocation has to be responded to. Not when you think it is convenient, but now. If God is calling you now, move forward in faith. He will take care of the rest.”