Students from Sacred Heart School (SHS) learned positive reinforcements from a recent NED program. The school-wide character education program centers around a 45-minute assembly called The NED Show. NED is a loveable cartoon character whose name is an acronym for "Never give up." "Encourage others." And "Do your best."
The free NED Show partners with a school and is presented online to students if the school administration agrees to have the company's yo-yos available for sale for one week.
One of SHS's parents, Mrs. Kristin Gleinig, set up the Yo-Yo shop every day in the gym, and students purchased Yo-Yo's and supplies to go with them. The money purchased from these sales goes to the NED Show and helps pay for the event for another school to enjoy.
SHS students bought over 85 yo-yos, and parents reported that "their children were enjoying time with the yo-yo's rather than using their computers," said Katherine Barnes, principal at SHS. "It's like a blast from the past, and kids are having fun!"