KCs, from left, Randall Barrera, Joshua Dempsy, Thomas Tortorello, Sean Miller, Ray Salinas, Jr. (Grand Knight) and Matt Keidel manned the BBQ station in Bayside. Miller, Josh Dempsy and Clay Niemann traveled from Austin to help.
On Saturday, Sept. 30, the Knights of Columbus council from St. Andrew by the Sea parish prepared BBQ plates for volunteers helping out with recovery from Hurricane Harvey at the community of Bayside. The Knights served 200 plates of BBQ chicken quarters, potato salad, Ranch Style beans and homemade ice tea.
“It was a great endeavor,” said Deacon Richard Longoria, volunteer coordinator for the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
The group served volunteers beginning at 11:15 a.m. through 5:30 p.m.