To build up the buzz for the upcoming diocesan Youth Spectacular, Our Lady of Victory Parish in Beeville, Texas, hosted a “mini” Youth Spectacular for 130 local youth and young adults on June 15.
The youth engaged in skits, praise and worship, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and celebration of the Liturgy. This is the second successful mini Youth Spectacular, following one hosted in Premont in March, Youth Ministry Director Jaime Reyna said.
The idea of a smaller, more intimate celebration was a product of the Diocesan Youth Council’s meeting with Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey. At these meetings, Bishop Mulvey meets with selected youth from the diocese to discuss the latest issues regarding youth. The council expressed a desire to have more community-focused, local celebrations in order to stir up excitement for the Youth Spectaculars in Corpus Christi on Sept. 22 and 29.
Reyna said keynote speaker Mario St. Francis was very well received as he shared how his experience as a male model led him away from a Christ-like life, along with his transformation into a devout Catholic actively spreading the Gospel. His work with Catholic media and World Youth Day provided inspiration to the youth. Teens in attendance had positive feedback, because of his ability to relate to them in various aspects of their lives.
Eva Smith, a junior from Moody High School and president of the Diocesan Youth Council, gave the second keynote address. She shared her experience of witnessing to Christ, focusing on the reactions she receives, particularly on Ash Wednesday when she arrives at school wearing her ashes. Her brave witness, along with joyful willingness to do so, gave the audience an example of how to live out God’s call, no matter one’s age, Reyna said.
With participation from eight local parishes, including parishes from Beeville, Corpus Christi, George West, Ingleside, Kenedy and Pettus, the teens were offered the benefits of a typical youth spectacular, while using the intimacy of the small group to their advantage, including individual confessions and breakout sessions. Many parishioners and parents from the attending parishes worked as volunteers, further strengthening the community ties.
The event concluded with Mass celebrated by Father Pete Elizardo of the Corpus Christi Cathedral, who also offered a special blessing for all the fathers in attendance in honor of Father’s Day.