The Second Annual Benefit Golf Tournament for The Ark Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter for Youth sponsored by Valero will be held Monday, June 25, beginning at 8 a.m. at the North Shore Country Club in Portland.
The entry fee of $100 per player includes breakfast, snacks, cart and green fees, lunch and a chance for door prizes. Play is a four-person scramble, best ball all the way.
Prizes will be given to teams for first, second and third place. Two consolation prizes will also be given. On selected holes, prizes will be given for "closest to the pin" and "longest drive." The winner of the putting contest will also receive a prize. Mulligans will be available for purchase.
Hole sponsorships are available at the following three levels: Lion at $1,000, which includes a four-person team; Gazelle at $500, which includes two players; and Dove at $250, which includes one player. A sign bearing the company logos of the sponsors and their level of sponsorship will be placed at a tee box. Sponsors also will be recognized on The Ark's Web site and in a future newsletter.
The Ark provides a caring intervention for abused and neglected children and youth by placing them in a secure environment for up to 90 consecutive days while they are evaluated for placement in an appropriate long-term site.
It is the only licensed facility within an 80-mile radius that is contracted by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) to provide assessment services and emergency shelter for up to 37 minors, ages 0 through 17. All of their needs are met during their stay at The Ark.
An afternoon tournament will be held if enough players are registered. All of the information needed to register for the tournament or to sponsor a hole is on the shelter's Web site: For more information call Arthur Ramirez at (361) 299-3597, (361) 537-8735 or [email protected].