Fifth graders from Sacred Heart School in Rockport honored volunteers of Castaways, a local resale shop, on March 1.
Many of the volunteers have been working at Castaways for over 20 years, and all the money they raise goes to Sacred Heart School.
The students adorned themselves for Mardi Gras and wore beads which they gave out to the honorees. They brought in breakfast food and juice as they sang “When the Saints Go Marching In.”
There was much fun as the kids served these special people and presented each with a special treat to take home. Just before leaving to go back to school, they sang the school blessing over these faithful friends of Sacred Heart.
Castaways is an organization made up of five local churches that serves the people of Rockport, Fulton, and surrounding areas by offering quality goods at very low prices.
Donations come in daily, and donors may choose the church that will benefit. The workers who sort, price, shelve, and sell these goods are all volunteers, and many have been working there since it started about 30 years ago.