St. Martin of Tours Parish in Kingsville responded to the desire of the community to feel and live the spirituality of the Lenten season by promoting a spiritual journey that centered on several retreats in preparation for the mysteries of the salvation, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
"Aware of the diversity of groups and cultures that exist within our parish community, we had the opportunity to offer the retreats in English and Spanish," parish administrator José Naul Ordóñez said. "Both retreats were attended by a great number of parishioners. And we were overjoyed with the great response and attendance of our young people at the Lenten youth retreat."
Bishop Emeritus Ricardo Ramírez of Las Cruces, New Mexico and the parishioners of Our Lady of Good Counsel participated in the English retreat, and Father Jairo Motta, Father Fernando Gámez and Father Ordóñez coordinated the Spanish retreat in which several parishes within the Diocese of Corpus Christi participated. Jaime Reyna, director of the diocese's Office Youth Ministry and the youth team members of St. Martin led the youth retreat.
"Our parish profoundly thanks all those who made this wonderful spiritual formation encounter possible. May the Resurrected Christ gift us with the grace of perseverance so that we may attain our good intentions and together with the Risen Christ a new life," Father Ordóñez said.