Pictured accepting the check from the Knights are Portland Pregnancy Center staff Executive Director Jana Pinson, Financial Administrator Kathy Weirich, Peer Counselors Melinda Bottino and Janet Carwin and volunteers Beverly Moore and JoAnn Luehring-Volunteer. Knights include Grand Knight Ervey Martinez, Faithful Navigator Larry Luehring, Treasurer Brad Warner and Knights from Ingleside Brian Thibodeaux, Scott Robinson and Tony Bernal Warden.
The Our Lady of Mount Carmel Texas 4th Degree Assembly #2781 in Portland, recently presented the Portland Pregnancy Center a check for $16,100 for the purchase of a new sonogram machine. The state Knights of Columbus will match the money raised by the Portland fourth degree Knights.
The fourth degree assembly set out in 2016 to raise $15,000 for the new sonogram machine needed by the Portland Pregnancy Center. With the help of many area churches and women’s groups, not only did they raise their goal but surpassed it by $8,000. Donations are still pouring in. Faithful Navigator Larry Luehring spearheaded the project.
“Many thanks to all who made this possible by your donations,” Grand Knight Ervey Martinez said.