Father Andrew Kemberling spoke about making stewardship a way of life.
Some 300 representatives of parishes from throughout the Diocese of Corpus Christi gathered at the Immaculate Conception Parish Hall at St. Thomas the Apostle on Thursday, Jan. 28, to learn about "Mercy through Stewardship." Four speakers with national renown addressed topics from the Spirituality of Stewardship to "Living Everyday Stewardship" at the daylong retreat.
Father Andrew Kemberling, VF from Colorado opened the work sessions with "Making Stewardship A Way of Life. " He offered participants four core values in achieving this end. The values are identity, trust, gratitude and love.
Father Kemberling said our identity stems from the fact that "we are made by God and for God in the image and likeness of God." As for trust, "we need to trust God and be trustworthy," and he will take care of our needs. We must show gratitude to God for his blessings in our lives; and, "we express" love by giving of our time, talent and treasure.
The pastors, religious, clergy, and parishioners in attendance were told that the process of a stewardship program requires making a commitment to a stewardship way of life. This commitment, Father Kemberling said, must be constantly renewed with prayer. He emphasized that Jesus tells us in the Bible that we must tithe, "Tithing is not just a Protestant thing."
Father Kemberling also talked about the need for stewardship in support of Catholic schools, which does not translate to "constant fund raising." He urged school administrators to develop their students into "little disciples, not little fund raisers."
Other speakers included Mila Goldiva, Tracy Earl and Katie Herzing, a digital products specialist with
Our Sunday Visitor, which was a major underwriter of the conference.
The event opened with Mass celebrated by Bishop Michael Mulvey, who also met with pastors on the same topic at a previous day's luncheon. The diocesan Office of Parish Stewardship & Development facilitated both events.