At Calvary, where Jesus conquered sin, the flesh, the devil, death and all of hell, Mary was given to us to be our mother. In his last moments Jesus shared his love for Mary with us that we might love her too and entrust ourselves to her care just as he did. It is a love upon which he bestows boundless blessing.
Mary is neither a passive woman, nor a pushy, aggressive one either. This is the valiant woman par excellence, who is as active a mother in the world today as she was when she mothered all those Jesus gave to her care during his hidden life, his public ministry and in the early Church as it struggled through persecution to establish itself and evangelize the world.
One of the great stories of Our Lady’s care for us, from our recent history, comes to us from the Philippines. The Philippines is a poor country, and the trials and sufferings of its people are immense. At the same time the people have a vibrant, living faith that freely expresses itself in their culture.
In 1986, after having suffered for 20 years under the corrupt, oppressive, authoritarian regime of President Ferdinand Marcos, the Archbishop of Manila and spiritual leader of Asia, Cardinal Jaime Sin, called for a Marian year. People attended rosary rallies, processions and special Masses by the millions, imploring Our Blessed Mother’s help.
At the end of 1986, the people, including priests and religious, took to the streets, again by the millions, praying, carrying banners and demanding that Marcos step down. Marcos responded by sending tanks into the streets and ordering his soldiers to fire upon the crowds. The soldiers looked into their gun sights to take aim but saw images of Our Lady everywhere. They could not, would not fire. In the end Marcos was airlifted out of the country and democracy was restored.
This was an unheard of thing, a completely bloodless, nonviolent revolution. Secular media called it the People Power Revolution. The Spanish of another era, here in our own country, would have called it the work of La Conquistadora, Our Lady of Conquering Love! And the Filipinos themselves know from whom the real victory came.
Blessed John Paul II took his cue from the events in the Philippines and called for a Marian year for the whole world from June 7 (Pentecost), 1987 to August 15 (the Assumption), 1988. Following the close of the worldwide Marian year, the Iron Curtain fell, and shortly thereafter the Soviet bloc disintegrated, all to the utter astonishment of the secular press.
Coincidence? Don’t believe it! They say the most common word heard on the battlefield is “mother.” But this is the Mother we need in the battles we fight today. We are all her children and she is ready to help any who approach her.
Praying the rosary, asking Mary’s intercession, and honoring her in different ways have so much more efficacy and meaning when we know and understand her as she really is. Mary is more favored, has a richer personality, more gifts, deeper emotions, greater wisdom, profounder graces, more sensitive, loving virtue and a more heavenly human beauty than anyone who ever was or ever will be born, aside from Jesus himself. No one sways the heart of God nor reaches it as quickly as she does. And no one aside from God Himself loves us as much as she does.
She is ours! This is who God gave us to be our Mother; the very one he singled out and prepared for himself.
This is the woman of unshakable faith that in the midst of suffering and sorrows we will never even remotely comprehend or appreciate. This is a woman of invincible charity, hope and courage, who comes up from the desert like an army in battle array and crushes the head of the ancient enemy with her heel. Her humility, simplicity and modesty are more feared by the powers of darkness than the greatest preaching on earth.
This is the soul so full of grace and light, and adorned with such great fruits that it alone ravishes the heart of God and causes him to send floods of grace upon the whole world, beginning with the greatest gift of all, the sending of Jesus to be our savior.
With grateful hearts, we ask Mary Our Mother, Our Lady of Conquering Love, to obtain for each of us the light, charity and strength that routs the enemy, overcomes the immense dangers of our present existence, and helps us in peace to continue the work of building the kingdom of God.