Hope House of Corpus Christi has signed a one-year contract for two 12’ x 40’ rotating billboards at prime locations in and around Corpus Christi with Corpus Christi Pregnancy Resource Center’s phone number. The billboards are now located at 1821 SPID by Greenwood near Wal-Mart and at the Crosstown and Brownlee intersections.
"The billboards will be rotated periodically at different locations in and around Corpus Christi for one year," Ray Reeves, Chairman of the Board for Hope House, said.
"This is so exciting! We already had one call," said Becky Bailes Price
Board Chairman of Corpus Christi Pregnancy Resource Center. "I'm so Happy for Hope House and grateful for the blessings you have shared with the Pregnancy Center. May God richly bless these ministries in the coming year and all who serve and support them."
Hope House is also planning an expansion project this spring with an additional 1,300 square-foot building.