Most Reverend Michael Mulvey is bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
In the beginning God “created them male and female” (Gn 5:2). These words from the accounts of creation reveal to us a beautiful plan. God crowned his creation with human beings, distinguishing them as male and female and providing them with the gift of generating life in their union.
The union of man and woman in marriage is the human image of the divine life that is shared in the Blessed Trinity. This profound mystery has many wonderful aspects to experience and reflect upon throughout our lives. God’s own unity generates the gift of the Holy Spirit. Marriage celebrates and witnesses to a sacred union that brings together two distinct persons in such a real way that it has the potential of creating a child.
Unitive, life-giving love between a husband and wife is under great challenge in our society today. Many men and women live unaware of this loving plan for their lives. A natural and good desire for lasting union is attempting to be fulfilled by selfish and empty relationships. Couples look to the other to please themselves without thought of giving of themselves as a gift to each other.
Rather than being appreciated as the gifts of love that they are, children are too often treated as property to be manufactured, traded and even discarded.
It is an important task of the Church and its leaders to express the truth of this relationship, a relationship that is written in the heart of every human being.
As we celebrate Mother’s Day during the month of May, we recall the importance of the woman in the family relationship. She embraces the complimentary union in her vocation, offering her body to receive and nurture this gift and fruit of love, the unique and irreplaceable human being that grows within her. It is she who, by nature, protects and sacrifices her own comfort for the life of her child.
It is the mother who nurses the child in many ways–physically, spiritually and emotionally–drawing close to her husband for strength and support in these early and demanding years of infancy. This undeniable bond along with the strength from God’s outpouring of grace continues to guide her in supporting and forming her children to become witnesses of God’s love in our world.
What a great gift God has given us in the sacrificial love of mothers. And sometimes these sacrifices are even more profound, especially when a mother finds herself in a difficult situation, or when a young woman suffers because of a misguided view of true love.
We live in an imperfect world, as Jesus encountered in his time here on earth. He reached out in forgiveness to the woman who was about to be stoned. He evangelized the Samaritan woman at the well. He comforted the woman who washed his feet with her tears of sorrow for her sins. And now Jesus offers this same compassion and help to each one of us through his beloved Church.
Let us remember that our world confuses temporary pleasure with lasting happiness. Our Catholic Church has the tools to help both women and men rediscover the beauty of spousal relationships and family life. We are here to guide, to nurture and to bring each woman, each mother to her full potential and full realization.
May Almighty God bless each of our mothers during this month of May that is devoted to Mary, the mother of Jesus and wife of Joseph. May Mary, along with all of the mothers in Heaven continue to inspire us and intercede for us in their prayers.