Archbishop Broglio remembers in prayer those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for American liberty as well as surviving veterans and those still serving.
On Memorial Day, May 29, a solemn Mass in honor of United States servicemen and women, living and dead, will be televised across North America on both EWTN and CatholicTV. The Memorial Mass will air on EWTN at 11:30 a.m. (EDST) and again twelve-and-a-half hours later at midnight (EDST). CatholicTV will carry the Memorial Mass at 12 and 8 p.m. (EDST).
The hour-and-a-half Memorial Mass, the broadcast of which is sponsored by the
Archdiocese for the Military Services, was celebrated and recorded in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on May 21 before an all-pews-filled congregation including senior U.S. Military officers, active duty and retired.
Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio for the Military Services, was the principal celebrant and homilist with more than two dozen priests concelebrating, including: Auxiliary Bishop Richard B. Higgins, Episcopal Vicar for Veterans Affairs; Maronite Chorbishop Dominic Askar; Msgr. John J.M. Foster; Father Christopher Armstrong; Father Robert Cannon; Father Aidan Logan, OCSO; and Msgr. Walter R. Rossi, Rector of the Basilica.
With television cameras panning the Great Upper Church, the Mass commenced with the pageantry of a Knights of Columbus (K of C) color guard as the Choir of the Basilica intoned the opening processional hymn, followed by the posting of the colors and singing of the National Anthem.
In his homily, Archbishop Broglio called to mind the purpose of the occasion,
“… Fundamentally…to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the values and safety of our Nation.”
“We think of those who dramatically died on a battlefield, but also of those who succumbed to old age or bear the marks of battle in body and spirit and those who care for them,” the archbishop said. “In a particular way we pray for the repose of the soul of Bishop José Madera, who passed away earlier this year. We also recommit ourselves to the families who lost loved ones or who care for those who still suffer the cost of war…
“A local news station indicated that the number of organized protests in the Capital District is on the increase. I never fail to think that protestors can protest, because others keep watch, run the risks, defend our liberties, and die to preserve those rights we hold dear. Today, dear sisters and brothers, we pause in prayer to thank them for that commitment and to give thanks that we enjoy certain God-given rights."
To hear Archbishop Broglio’s full homily, tune in Monday, May 29, on EWTN or CatholicTV.