The Knights of Columbus Assembly 1097 who in partnership with other local Assemblies and Councils presentied a $41, 572.50 check to Corpus Christi Pregnancy Center as part of a successful completion of their Ultrasound Initiative.
The Ultrasound Initiative is a national progam implemented by the National Knights of Columbus who work together as an organization to purchase ultrasound machines for qualifying pregnancy centers. The Knights of Columbus in the Diocese of Corpus Christi raised half the amount and the Supreme Council donated the other half.
The Knights will be commemorated this special occasion at a presentation ceremony at St. Andrew by the Sea Catholic Churchat the conclusion of the Saturday Vigil 5 p.m. Mass on March 6.
The check will enable the pregnancy center to purchase a brand new state of the art color 3D ultrasound machine. This new machine will save lives and help women to choose life by giving them the opportunity to view their unborn children.
Jim Okun is
Deputy Grand Knight & Life Director; Knights of Columbus, Padre Balli Council #10677; and
Diocese Director of Special Olympics.