KJZT Family Life members are bound together through our faith, and our faith is central to our lives. In response to the financial impact COVID – 19 had on Catholic Churches during the Easter Season, along with the festival season, KJZT Family Life donated over $90,000 to parishes across Texas, including local societies donations of $14,750.
Many church fundraisers were canceled this year due to the COVID-19 crisis. Without Spring Picnics and Fall Bazaars, Catholic churches found themselves without the funds these events bring in every year. Attendance at Masses has also been limited since March resulting in low collection amounts.
Seeing the dire situation Catholic churches were facing, KJZT Family Life decided to donate to parishes across Texas in an effort to help all those suffering from financial losses and stress due to the pandemic.
Local society members have also been making an effort to contribute to their communities from a social distance. They have donated to food pantries and food delivery programs and held “bakeless" bake sales to raise money for parish and community projects.
They have made monetary and in-kind donations to nursing homes and women’s centers. Through Color to Comfort, Junior members have colored over a hundred pictures with well wishes to mail to older members of their Society.
Members have provided food to first responders, sewed face masks for hospital workers, and donated hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies to churches. They have even bottled and handed out Holy Water to their fellow parishioners.
KJZT Family Life had a custom prayer card made with, “A Prayer to End COVID-19” written by State Chaplain Father Gary Janak, and Societies have been sharing the cards within their communities.
KJZT Family Life honors our legacy by supporting the Catholic traditions of our founders, with faith and service at the heart of our offerings. The Fraternal is proud to give back and support parishes and communities across Texas.
About KJZT Family Life
KJZT Family Life is a Fraternal Benefit Society founded in 1894 by Czech Catholic women. In 2019, KJZT celebrated its 125th year as a Fraternal that offers membership to all Texans. Visit
www.kjzt.org to learn more.