Participating n the Knights of Columbus presentation at Sacred Heart were, from left in first row, Deacon Ron Janota, Father Ray Yrlas, Ron Alonzo, Joseph Hernandez; second row, Sam Armadillo, Urben Chupe, Jr., Urbin Chupe, Sr., Joe Naderer; and in top row Michael Hannum, Manuel Diaz, Randy Phillips.
Contributed photos
The national Knights of Columbus made two major gift presentations to St. James the Apostle in Refugio and Sacred Heart in Rockport to help those parishes with disaster relief from Hurricane Harvey. Ron Alonzo, Texas State Council Charities Director, presented a check for $100,000 to Father Ray Yrlas at Sacred Heart and Texas State Council State Deputy Doug Oldmixon presented a $60,000 check to Father John McKenzie at St. James, on Sunday, Nov. 26.
“On Friday afternoon, Aug. 25, Hurricane Harvey made landfall just north of Corpus Christi. Immediately following Hurricane Harvey, the Knights of Columbus launched a nationwide appeal for donations. Local, state and national levels of Knights worked to deliver food, water and other necessities as well as cook meals in these devastated areas,” Alonzo said.
In the weeks that followed Hurricane Harvey, the Knights of Columbus Charities received donations from across the order to aid the devastated areas. Many Knights in the relief effort went to visit and survey the devastation from Hurricane Harvey in the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
“We relayed this information to our Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. He was moved by the work of our Knights helping to distribute needed supplies, and the outpouring of generosity and the stories relayed on to him by many of the victims. He knows how your church was devastated,” Alonzo said to parishioners at Sacred Heart.
Alonso thanked everyone that was involved to assist those affected by Hurricane Harvey. The Knights’s first principal of the order charity is to “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” which was evident during this disaster.
“On behalf of Supreme Knight Carl Anderson and our Texas State Deputy Doug Oldmixon, I am honored to present a check from KC Charities in the amount of $100,000 to aid in your continuing rebuilding of this wonderful parish,” Alonso said.
Only six churches were given checks, and two were from the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
Knights of Columbus with Father John McKenzie at St. James the Apostle in Refugio.