Father Charles Doherty, who served as pastor at Our Lady of Assumption parish in Ingleside and in the Diocese of Corpus Christi for many years, died May 9. He had recently celebrated his 90th birthday at Our Lady of Assumption Parish on Oct. 15, 2017.
In his early years, Father Doherty served as a Director of Religious Education and parochial vicar of St. Patrick. When he became a pastor he served in the Aransas Pass and Ingleside parishes and rode a motorcycle across the ferry. At the time, Ingleside was only a mission. He directed the construction of Our Lady of the Assumption.
When he retired he moved to Rockport then went on to Padua Place in San Antonio when he became ill.
Funeral will be held in Ireland, and a Memorial Mass will be celebrated at Our Lady of the Assumption at a date to be determined.
Please offer three Masses for the repose of the soul of Father Charles Dougherty.