The Schoenstatt Shrine in Lamar, Rockport, is a unique place in our diocese – and the Holy Site for the Refugio Deanery. The beautiful grounds at the bay invite everyone to retreat, pray, and get restored.
The Schoenstatt sisters established the Shrine -the first in Texas - in 1965. Their province is located in Waukesha, Wisconsin. There are 10 shrines in the U.S., all dedicated to Mary - two more in Wisconsin, one in Nebraska, one in Minnesota, one in New York and the only Southern one here in our diocese.
Schoenstatt (German for “beautiful place”) was founded on October 18, 1914, by Father Joseph Kentenich and a group of seminarians. They made a covenant of love with Mother Thrice Admirable and asked her to take her place in a shrine they had recently renovated as their meeting place.
Over the years, many such shrines have been built worldwide, each an exact replica of the Original Shrine. They are the spiritual centers of the international Apostolic Movement of Schoenstatt. From these shrines, God, through Mary’s intercession and our cooperation, directs a stream of graces into our time marked by loneliness, spiritual indifference, and the need for evangelization.
In the Shrine, people can experience Mary as a mother and educator; a great place for a pilgrimage in the Jubilee Year of Hope. Sr. Jessica is excited and explains that it is possible to come every day: “The Shrine is open daily from 9 am until 6 pm.” People are welcome to stay on the beautiful grounds.
Throughout the Jubilee Year, the sisters offer monthly Pilgrimage Days. The dates are:
Tuesday, February 11
Thursday, March 13
Friday, April 4
Monday, May 5
Tuesday, November 11
Thursday, December 4
These days will allow obtaining a Plenary Indulgence, with a talk about the virtue of Hope, confessions, Mass, adoration, rosary, chaplet and benediction. A meal is included; the suggested donation is $15.
Additionally, the Schoenstatt Sisters hold weekend retreats in English and Spanish at the Retreat Center for mothers, couples, families, and singles. Please visit their website,, for more information and to RSVP.
Schoenstatt Shrine Lamar – Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary
134 Front Street, Rockport, TX 78382.
Phone: (361) 729-209