Richard Gutierrez (at right) accepted into the Rite of Candidacy by Bishop Michael J. Bouletter ofthe Achdiocese of San Anotnio (center). Father Romeo Salinas, Director of Vocations ofr the Diocese of Corpus Christi joins them at the completion of theceremnony.
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Seminarian Richard R. Gutierrez publically declared his intention to pursue Holy Orders and was officially accepted as a candidate for ordination during the Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders at a special Mass celebrated by Bishop Michael J. Bouletter, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of San Antonio in Our Lady’s Chapel of Assumption Seminary in San Antonio on Oct. 14. Bishop Boulette presided and conferred candidacy with the permission of Bishop Michael Mulvey, Bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
Gutierrez is attending Assumption Seminary in San Antonio as a seminarian for the Diocese of Corpus Christi.
Canon 1036 of Church law states: “In order to be promoted to the order of diaconate or of presbyterate, the candidate is to present to his bishop or competent major superior a declaration written in his own hand and signed in which he attests that he will receive the sacred order of his own accord and freely and will devote himself perpetually to the ecclesiastical ministry and at the same time asks to be admitted to the order to be received.”
Candidacy takes place during seminary formation, by which the Church recognizes the seminarian as worthy of being ordained hence, they become a “candidate” for ordination to the priesthood.
A reception was held following the Holy Mass for the families and friends of the candidates together with the formation faculty of the seminary and the seminarians.