The ancient practice of Tenebrae is characterized by the extinguishing of candles and the reading of Gospel passages that depict the days leading up to Christ’s death and burial. At Corpus Christi Cathedral, a live Stations of the Cross took place in the evening of Good Friday. It was an impactful production put on by the Cathedral catechists and the youth who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The kids were all in costume There were Roman soldiers, the women of Jerusalem, Veronica, the Apostles, Mother Mary. he boy dressed as Jesus even had a large cross that he dragged with him until the crucifixion scene at the altar. As each station was read and St. Francis of Assis’s “We adore You, O Christ” prayer was said, the young actors moved slowly through the cathedral, which was completely dark apart from the spotlight that followed them.
A second cross had been built for the actor to lie upon to show when Jesus was nailed to the Cross; and then for the 12th Station, when Jesus died, this cross was pulled upright by the “Romans”, and the young actor was hoisted into the air for several minutes. For the 13th station, he was lowered, and placed in the lap of a girl who mimed the sorrow Mary would have felt at the sight of her crucified Son. A makeshift stone stood before the altar, and “Jesus” was placed behind it for the 14th Station. The Stations complete, Nellie Serna thanked the faithful for coming, and asked everyone to leave in silence.
Serna is the Religious Education Coordinator for the Cathedral. She was very proud of the young people for their performance, but hoped, more than anything, that the kids were enlightened through the experience. “I want them to see that they’re not too young to bring the Gospel to life and evangelize other people,” she said. Richard and Marissa Rodriguez are Catechists for high school Confirmation and were part of the production crew. Richard wants the kids to take in the experience and use it to grow with Jesus at the center of their lives. Marissa added, “I hope it planted a seed so that when they go out into the real world, they can reflect on what Jesus did for us.” She feels that this experience gave them an opportunity to feel what Mary and the disciples felt. “I hope this will help mold them into Christian adults,” Marissa said.