DeAnna Havel (left) and Diana Garza became Providence Associates with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Sister Barbara Bluntzer served as their companion in the discernment process.
Falfurrias resident Diane Garza and Corpus Christi resident DeAnna Havel recently deepened their relationship with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. On Tuesday, Oct. 21, Garza and Havel participated in a ceremony in the Owens Chapel at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, to become Providence Associates and pledged “to honor Divine Providence and further God’s loving plans through works of love, mercy and justice in service among God’s people.”
The Sisters of Providence, a Congregation of nearly 350 women religious, exist to further God’s loving plans by devoting themselves to serving others through works of love, mercy and justice. Their motherhouse at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods is located in Terre Haute, They minister in 17 states, the District of Columbia and Asia.
“The year-long process to become a Providence Associate was a rewarding experience,” Garza said. “The preparation process deepened my spiritual life.”
“The past year was a remarkably insightful and spiritual journey,” Havel said. “I have experienced a type of surrender to the Providence of God’s will that has brought peace to my heart and mind.”
Director of Providence Associates Sister Diane Mason said this year’s commitment ceremonies brought the total of Providence Associates to more than 200 in the United States and Taiwan. The relationship began eight years ago.
To become a Providence Associate, candidates are paired with a Sister of Providence or Providence Associate companion and go through a year of study, prayer and reflection. Sister Barbara Bluntzer served as Garza's and Havel's companion.
“In many cases, a deep friendship does form between the candidate and companion and they continue the journey of Providence that so far has never failed them,” Sister Diane said. “We try to pair the candidate and companion with some interest that might be similar, background in education, careers. Sometimes a candidate may express an interest in a certain sister or associate.”
“It’s an honor to represent this community of strong, progressive women religious,” Garza said. “I recall a quote from Saint Mother Theodore: ‘We are not called upon to do all the good possible, but only that which we can do!’ I want to do what ‘I can do’ as an associate to help the Sisters of Providence continue their mission of love, mercy and justice.”
“The fellowship and friendship I experienced was truly remarkable,” Havel said. “I am honored and humbled to represent the Sisters of Providence. There is a deepened sense of responsibility to continue cultivating my faith through prayer and study and to represent the Sisters of Providence in a manner that honors their mission.”
In late October of this year, more than 30 women and men began their journey as candidate-associates. The Providence Associate relationship is open to all people of faith, ages 18 and older. There is no canonical, financial or legal obligation to one another on the part of the Associates or the Congregation.
If you feel Providence is inviting you, contact Sister Diane at (708) 364-7917 or email [email protected] to learn more or visit