Bishop Mulvey laughs with Sister Mary Amalia Mata, ISSM as he presents her with a gift at the reception in the Cathedral Parish Hall after celebrating Mass for jubilarians and World Day for Consecrated Life . Bishop Michael Mulvey celebrated Mass for the 2015 World Day for Consecrated Life on Feb. 1 at Corpus Christi Cathedral. During the Mass those in Consecrate Life renewed their commitment and jubilarians celebrating anniversaries ranging in length from 25-70 years were acknowledged with gratitude.
The jubilarians are: Sister Isabel Lopez, PCI celebrating 25 years; Sister Mary Patricia Burns, SOLT, Sister Rosalia Aricatt, SABS and Sister Kochuthressia (Therese) Moolan, SABS celebrating 40 years; Sister Mary Patrice Floyd, IWBS, Sister Mary Martires, OP, Sister Mary Amalia Mata, ISSM and Sister Avelina Sosa, MJMJ celebrating 50 years; Sister Marian Bradley, IWBS, celebrating 60 years; Sister Mary Caroline Fritter, IWBS and Sister Agnes Marie Tengler, IWBS celebrating 70 years.
Photos below include Mass and reception at the sisters retreat on Jan. 31at St. Pius X, as well as, the World Day for Consecrated Life 2015 Mass and reception on Feb. 1.