On Jan. 29 Dr. Therese Recinella, Director of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, was elected chairperson for the Texas Conference of Catholic Bishops Evangelization and Catechesis Executive Committee. She began her four-year commitment at the conclusion of the winter meeting gathering in San Angelo.
Her duties as a chairperson-elect for the TCCB EC for two years she will: function in all capacities in the absence of the Chairperson; monitor the progress of all committees; perform any function assigned by the chairperson or the executive committee.
In the next two years she will perform the duties of the chairperson: call and chair meetings of the TCCB-EC and of the executive committee of the TCCB-EC; facilitate communication between members and the Bishops of Texas, their appointed liaison to TCCB-EC and all other appropriate groups; represent TCCB-EC in all official relationships with other groups; and appoint the members of the nominating committee (at the September/October meeting) and any ad hoc committees as deemed necessary.