Some of the events will have a different look and feel from the previous year, yet beautifully maintain the importance of the celebration. Social distancing, hygiene guidelines, and limited seating are some of the actions the diocese is implementing to safeguard those in attendance.
While practicing social distancing, Catholics will come together to celebrate the feast day with a bilingual Mass, followed by adoration. Then every hour upon the hour, a reflection will be offered by a dean from each deanery throughout the diocese during adoration. The event will end with the celebration of the Chrism Mass by Bishop Michael Mulvey. Also, confessions will be heard in the church courtyard beginning at 1 p.m. and ending before the Chrism Mass which begins at 6:30 p.m. The events will be livestreamed. St. Joseph Hall and Emmanuel Chapel will be open to allow for overflow.
The Diocese of Corpus Christi Office of Multicultural Ministry is hosting the event, and all are invited to attend, but social distancing is required, and wearing masks strongly encouraged. For those who prefer to celebrate this momentous event virtually, it will be livestreamed thanks to the Catholic Communications Network. It will be available on the Diocese of Corpus Christi YouTube, Vimeo, website and
On the days leading up to the Feast of Corpus Christi join Msgr. Michael Howell on social media as he guides you on a virtual tour of the Corpus Christi Cathedral. In this two-part series he will take you to areas of the cathedral that you may have never seen before. You will learn about the roots of Corpus Christi Cathedral, which is almost as old as the city itself. Go back to where the “parish” actually traces its founding as the “first” church in the 1850s to the 1880s, where the actual “first” cathedral, St. Patrick Church was founded. Part two of the tour will cover the fire that led to the building of the present church and consecration in 1952.
Parking for the Feast of Corpus Christi.Tune in to part one of the series on May 30 at 10 a.m., which will be available on the Diocese of Corpus Christi and South Texas Catholic Facebook pages, YouTube and Vimeo. Part two of the tour begins on June 6 at 10 a.m.
A detailed agenda of the feast day on June 11 can be found at down below and at Volunteer opportunities are available. If you would like to serve, please contact Margie Rivera or Jaime Reyna at (361) 882-6191.
12 – 1 p.m. | Bilingual Mass & Adoration with Very Rev. Pete Elizardo “Eucharist & Holiness” |
1 – 2 p.m. | Adoration with Very Rev. Richard Gonzales “Eucharist & Illness” |
2 – 3 p.m. | Adoration with Very Rev. Ray Yrlas “Eucharist & Family” |
3 – 4 p.m. | Adoration with Very Rev. Chris Becerra “Eucharist & Youth” |
4 – 5 p.m. | Adoration with Very Rev. Joseph Lopez “Eucharist & Vocations” |
5 – 5:30 p.m. | Adoration with Very Rev. Richard Libby “Eucharist & Community Renewal” |
5:45 – 6 p.m. | Benediction with Very Rev. James Stembler |
6:30 p.m. | Chrism Mass with Most Rev. Michael Mulvey |
Confessions will be available from 1 – 6 p.m.
Details are the following:
To volunteer (ushering, cleaning, etc.), please contact Margie Rivera or Jaime Reyna at 361-882-6191.