The CHRISTUS Spohn CareVan is now providing free services to the homeless staying at Central Catholic campus located on Comanche Street. Pastor Father Pete Elizardo has allowed CHRISTUS Spohn to park the CareVan at Sacred Heart Parish grounds.
The group of professionals came armed with water bottles and snacks on Sept. 30. “Jaime [Reyna] told us that it may take them a while to trust us,” said Leticia Chapa, driver and health technician for CHRISTUS Spohn. That day only 13 people got flu shots, but others received medical attention.
Joining Chapa were five other CHRISTUS Spohn employees, Nurse Practitioner Rebecca Lawhon, phlebotomist Michelle Rodriguez, Dr. Maricela Pacheco, medical student Tony Roshan, and resident Dr. David White.
The CareVan will be available every Monday-Wednesday through the end of October. On Monday and Tuesdays from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. they will provide flu shots, basic assessments and referrals, and on Wednesdays from 8 a.m.- 12 p.m. they will offer primary care services, education on Covdi-19 and Diabetes.