The season of Lent is a time of both reflection and preparation. While prayer, fasting, and almsgiving have been the benchmarks of our Lenten journey, the Fullness of Truth Conference continues the spiritual preparation for Holy Week. This event, which gathers the faithful from all over the Diocese of Corpus Christi, will be held March 31 and April 1 at Most Precious Blood Parish.
This year, the conference, titled “Go Make Disciples!: Bringing our Eucharistic Lord to a Searching World,” offers empowering messages brought to life by a group of distinguished speakers. These include keynote speaker and Bishop of the Diocese of Corpus Christi, Bishop Michael Mulvey, Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, author Sonja Corbitt, and missionary leader Ennie Hickman.
The two-day conference is not only an opportunity to learn time-tested ways to bring loved ones back the Church, but it also offers a unique way to fortify the spirit of the faithful, who can learn how to employ the Eucharistic graces received at Holy Mass. For more information, visit