June 16 - 26
June 16 | Feast of Corpus Christi Family Celebration and Procession
Corpus Christi Cathedral
11:00 am History and Proclamations
12:05 pm Mass followed by unveiling and Blessing of Diocesan Monstrance
1:30 pm Adoration and Reflections Begin
(Confessions and other activities throughout the day)
6:00 pm Procession begins followed by Benediction
June 16 – 24 | 9-Day Eucharistic Adoration
Corpus Christi Cathedral will hold nine days of Eucharistic Adoration 24-hours-a-day. Exceptions are during Mass and the Celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Orders – Priesthood. Please see our website www.diocesecc.org/ec22-adoration for details on reflection times and dates.
June 18 | Celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Orders – Priesthood
10:00 am Corpus Christi Cathedral
June 24 | Eucharistic Congress Conference
Corpus Christi Cathedral
6:00 pm Opening Mass – Archbishop Christophe Pierre, MTh, JCD, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Principal Celebrant
8:00 pm 110th Anniversary of the Diocese of Corpus Christi Reception
June 25 | Eucharistic Congress Conference
Omni Corpus Christi Hotel
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:30 am Youth Event begins – Let’s Color Our Community!
June 26 | Parish Eucharistic Celebrations