Bishop Michael Mulvey addresses Bishop’s Guild at a recent gathering while David and Mellie Smithwick, Guild co-chairs, listen to his presentation along with rest of the Guild members.
Ervey Martinez for South Texas Catholic
Bishop Michael Mulvey recently announced that the Bishop’s Guild would undertake a new mission as ambassadors for Catholic education. The Bishop’s Guild is an organization of Roman Catholic laypersons and other friends dedicated to helping the bishop of Corpus Christi meet critical needs within the diocese.
Organized in 1999 by Bishop Roberto Gonzalez, the Bishop’s Guild initially supported specific projects of the bishop. Members came together from throughout the Diocese of Corpus Christi and contributed an annual gift of at least $1,000 to help with the bishop’s projects.
Bishop Mulvey is looking to deepen the Guild’s roots in service and generosity, by creating a long-term vision for the Guild that can transform the way the diocese views education. The bishop challenged the Guild to become ambassadors for Catholic education by helping him promote all levels of education in the diocese.
“We will put education as a priority to benefit as many people from the monies raised, as it directly affects schools, students, staff, clergy and laity,” said David Smithwick, who with his wife Mellie serve as the Bishop’s Guild co-chair. They are parishioners of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish in Alice.
The bishop laid out a five-part process on how the Guild can lead the charge: 1) instituting a Catholic education endowment; 2) making teaching excellence grants; 3) providing professional laity with tuition assistance; 4) underwriting priest formation; and 5) providing scholarships for graduating high school seniors. The goal is designed to utilize funds to serve a maximum amount of people.
“The Office of Catholic Schools is thrilled to partner with the Bishop’s Guild in the Diocese of Corpus Christi with a collaborative focus to promote and to impart the value of a Catholic education,” said Rosemary Henry, Ph.D., superintendent for Catholic schools in the Diocese of Corpus Christi. “Recognizing excellence in teaching and leadership is a springboard to enriching our outstanding programs. Our students PreK-3-12th grade deserve the best,”
Twenty percent of all monies raised by the Bishop’s Guild will be directed to a Catholic Education Endowment fund. The money generated from this endowment will be used to directly support the Catholic Schools Tuition Assistance initiative that assists parents of students who need help with tuition. Additionally, the endowment’s earned income will be used in other ways in cooperation with Catholic schools.
Beginning the fall of 2016, Catholic schoolteachers will be able to apply to the Bishop’s Guild for micro grants of up to $2,000 to assist them to acquire technology, such as iPads and e-readers; lab equipment, like science materials; and reading resources or special education programs from authors or other experts.
Starting the fall of 2017, lay persons who are employed by a parish, Catholic school or a diocesan organization will be able to compete for tuition assistance for an advanced academic degree that compliments or augments their ministry. The assistance may cover up to 50 percent of tuition, once the course is fulfilled.
Subsidies will be made available to priests seeking advanced degrees to assist them in their ministry. Some priests are using this support to pursue doctoral degrees in medical bio-ethics and Liturgy.
Finally, funds will be made available by the fall of 2016 for scholarships to any graduating high school senior from both Catholic and public schools. Applicants must be pursuing a degree or certificate in an accredited institution, either in a liberal education setting or a vocational trade. The primary attributes seniors will be scored on will be service and leadership in their parish, while maintaining an academic grade of “C” or better.
“Bishop Mulvey understands Catholic Schools are essential to our diocese, but he also recognizes there are thousands of Catholics who don’t attend Catholic Schools or who are no longer in school,” said Cande de Leon, Director of Parish Stewardship and Development of the Diocese of Corpus Christi. “Bishop’s intent is to reach out to all people encouraging them to strengthen their education, so they can ultimately help strengthen the Catholic Church with the gifts God has given them.”
To achieve the bishop’s vision, de Leon said that membership in the Bishop’s Guild needs to grow. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Bishop’s Guild should contact de Leon at [email protected] or at (361) 693-6643. Annual memberships start at $1,000, and can be paid in installments over a year’s time. Membership also includes three social events throughout the year, and an opportunity to meet Catholics from throughout the diocese.
“The support and creative energy, in partnership with the Guild, will ensure Christ-centered learning environments focused on spiritual, intellectual, moral and social development. Faith, knowledge and service, the pillars of our schools, will stand firm and strong,” Henry said.