Becky Price had a vision when she took over leadership of the Corpus Christi Pregnancy Resource Center.
“I knew the Lord wanted us to be able to provide free sonograms to pregnant women in crisis,” Price said at the blessing of the center’s new sonogram machine Aug.13. “Each day, 3,300 women wake up in America believing abortion is the only solution to an unplanned pregnancy. In the wake of this tragic decision, a human life is ended, and a women’s life is changed forever. We wanted this Center to be a place where pregnant women in difficult circumstances would find they have options. I just didn’t know how or when that would happen."
More than a year ago, longtime pro life volunteer Ray Reeves entered the picture.
Reeves, a member of the Knights council at St. Helena of the True Cross Parish, knew he could help. He was aware of the national Knights program, which provides matching funds to pregnancy centers enabling them to acquire high-resolution sonogram machines.
Reeves spearheaded a drive to secure such a machine. Other Knights councils offered to help in the effort.
“I wanted to be part of a great ecnuminical effort to save lives through the grace of Jesus Christ,” Reeves, who has a long history of working with pro life groups regardless of their church affiliation, said.
The center, though not a Catholic organization, met all service and program criteria required by the Knights and the Diocese of Corpus Christi. Major contributors for the purchase in addition to the Knights included Immanuel Lutheran Church in Alice, Hope House, Refuge of Hope, Birthright, the Alliance for Human Life of the Diocese of Corpus Christi and the Helper’s of God’s Precious Infants. The project also received large donations from individuals who wished to remain anonymous.
The Texas legislature determined that a sonogram was essential for a woman to give informed consent to an abortion and passed the new sonogram law, which requires doctors or certified sonographers to perform a sonogram on women seeking an abortion 24 hours before the procedure. A Federal court has temporarily stayed implementation of the law, which was set to go into effect Sept. 1.
Before arrival of the sonogram machine, women had no place in the Corpus Christi area to receive a free sonogram. The program is operated under the supervision of Dr. Andy Folly, MD as medical director and Esmie Fisher, RN as nurse manager. Folly, an OB/GYN is an essential part of the Pregnancy Center’s team fulfilling the requirements for medical supervision of the program.
A recent case history from Fisher illustrates the value of the high-resolution sonogram. While filling out intake paperwork on a client, she was told by the woman that she did not know what to do now that her pregnancy test had come back positive.
“She was obviously distressed and most likely abortion vulnerable,” Fisher said. “I assured her that God knew the answer to her problems and we needed to see if her pregnancy was indeed viable. Sibyl, our sonographer and Dr. Folly greeted her with a smile. As the ultrasound progressed and we caught the first sight of the fetus, I saw a hint of a smile in the client’s eyes.
“As Sibyl continued to slide the ultrasound probe across her belly, she held the probe still at a small location on the fetus’ body. The client asked, ‘Is that the heartbeat?’ Our sonographer answered, ‘Yes, it is.’ At that tears formed in the corners of the client’s eyes and she exclaimed, ‘Wow… It is real!’ She was obviously interested and astonished.”
The woman was provided with additional education on fetal development at her baby’s specific stage of growth. She was then given personal counseling post-sonogram with the medical director, client advocate and Fisher.
“I was a delighted to hear that she decided to continue her pregnancy," Fisher said.
The Pregnancy Center is affiliated with Carenet, a Christian network of more that 1,100 centers which offer hope to women facing unplanned pregnancies by providing practical help and emotional support.