More than 1,400 middle and high school students celebrated 30 years of sharing their faith at two Youth Spectaculars held Sept. 22 and Sept. 29 at the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds in Robstown.
“What made the year’s two events particularly reverent were the testimonies of priests, musicians and parents who as teenagers had been affected by past Youth Spectaculars,” said Jaime Reyna, Director of the Office of Youth Ministry and Youth Spectaculars for the past three years.
“Father Joseph Lopez, Director of Vocations, gave a testimony of his first experience of discernment at a past Youth Spectacular,” Reyna said.
Many parents also attended this year’s Youth Spectacular and added to the nostalgia of the past. Rachel Munoz Galvan, a parishioner of Most Precious Blood Parish, gave a testimony and sang before and after praying the rosary at the high school event.
Sister Jude Janacek, IWBS, was honored at both events. Sister Janacek was the first Youth Director for the Diocese of Corpus Christi 30 years ago. Others who were honored for their contributions included Father Pete Elizardo, Deacon Alfonso Ramirez and Jim Unverferth.
“We are lucky in this diocese it’s pretty much expected to have this event for youth groups,” Youth Minister Joe Cipriano from Most Precious Blood said.
Youth coordinator Sandra Juarez said the parents from her parish, Nuestra Señora de San Juan de Los Lagos, Madre de la Iglesia, are very interested in the spiritual life of their children. “There are 16 parents who are very active and help with the youth group,” Juarez said.
Both events included dynamic speakers and musicians Bob Rice, Doug Tooke, Chris Padgett and the two-man group Popple. Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey, who was traveling on both days, connected with the youth via Internet video chats.
Msgr. Louis Kihneman III, Vicar General for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, and Father Elizardo celebrated Mass and Deacon Alfonzo Ramirez gave a homily, encouraging youth to reach out to people in need.
“By including elements from the past, we were able to make it a special moment, bonding teenager and parent with an identical experience,” Reyna said.