Cathedral Knights of Columbus #11107 collected 1,303 pounds of canned food and dry goods thanks to the generosity of Cathedral parishioners and community. The donations went to the local food bank, pantries, soup kitchens, and other food banks throughout the city during the “40 Cans for Lent” campaign.
The knights asked for one can of food per day throughout the 40 days of Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 6 and ending Palm Sunday, April 14. “We had special containers at each Cathedral door and every day at the Emmanuel Chapel to collect the donations of canned food or dry goods,” said Rudy Ortiz, Grand Knight KC Council #11107.
“Today, eighteen percent of American children live in poverty. As a result, many families cannot afford to provide food for their families, which leads to children going to bed hungry each night.
“Thank you and may God continue to Bless everyone for your support in making this Food for Families Drive a tremendous success. If you want to do more to help others in need email and leave your contact information and we will get back to you within 24 hours. Vivat Christo Rey,” he said.