Therese Recinella, Ph.D., director of the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, presented two days of formation and training to some 100 individuals involved in RCIA (Rite of Christian initiation of Adults) and religious education. The training took place Aug. 23-25 at Out Lady of Corpus Christi and the Chancery.
RCIA coordinator and team formation and training took place Aug. 23-25 at Our Lady of Corpus Christi with 70 participants in attendance. This training provided an overview of RCIA, followed by discussion and sharing on implementing the program in parishes.
The DRE orientation for new program directors took place Wednesday, Aug. 24, at the Chancery Conference Room. Thirty new and returning parish catechetical leaders took part. The orientation covered the diocesan guidelines and policies for religious education, a parish catechist orientation and resource packet, the vocations religious education lessons, Circle of Grace and information on support and programs from other offices.
Participants discussed and shared ideas for implementation.
The RCIA training was comprised of five sessions with the option of five-hour full day training or five-hour training split in two evenings on Tuesday and Thursday. The new DRE orientation was comprised of three sessions presented in three hours. Parish catechetical leaders had the option of attending a day or evening session.
In both trainings, participants were given time for small group and large group discussion of practical application in the parish. RCIA participants were given four resource packets that included resources for planning Liturgical rites, suggestions for adapting RCIA for children and teens, sample bulletin announcements, sample catechumen and candidate discernment guides for Liturgical rites and team testimony guides.
The trainings were free, however, participants were able to purchase texts they needed from the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis at a discounted price. Texts included "RCIA Study Edition", "The Catechism of the Catholic Church", the "General Directory of Catechesis", the "National Directory for Catechesis" and the "Compendium to the Catechism".