St. Joseph School in Alice is hosting its 3rd Annual Golf Tournament on Saturday, March 3. Tee time is at 8:30 a.m. for the scramble format tournament.
The $50 registration fee includes green fee, cart, registration pack and lunch. All proceeds benefit the school.
Registration is at 7:30 a.m. and awards will be given during lunch.
There are several sponsorship levels, including a $750 School Grand Sponsor for one team and sponsor name advertisement at golf tourney site; a $500 School Sponsor that includes the sponsor’s name advertisement at golf tourney site; the $100 Hole Sponsor which entitles sponsor the placement of placard with company name or logo placed at each hole sponsored; and the $35 cart sponsor ($120 for four carts) which includes a placard on cart.
For more information, call the St. Joseph Parish office at (361) 664-7551 or email [email protected].