Ignatius Press recently announced that it is moving two of its monthly magazines online and ceasing their print editions. Let me assure everyone that is not happening at the South Texas Catholic.
What is happening, however, is that we have recently launched a “new and improved” Web site. SouthTexasCatholic.com, is still our Web address, but its content is very different.
We have sought to make the Web site user-friendlier in the hope that it will attract more of you to use it daily to get news on everything Catholic, from your parish to the Vatican.
First, the site mirrors the sections of the newspaper with NEWS sections for News from the Diocese, Parish Life, Catholic Education, Vida Católica, Our Faith, Viewpoints, National News and the Vatican. As with the old Web site, stories that run on the newspaper will be uploaded to the Web site as soon as the newspaper is delivered to your homes.
But, there is more. In between editions of the printed newspaper, we will update the Web site daily with events as they occur. Some of these news items may eventually appear in the print edition, some will be exclusive to the Web site. Where a story ends up will depend on several factors, such as timeliness and importance.
Readers of both the print edition and the Web site will notice crosspollination where stories are referenced and augmented between the two mediums. For example, a story on the newspaper will refer the reader to a photo album on the Web. A photo on the Web may invite the reader to look for a complete report on the newspaper.
Another new feature is the extensive use of multimedia. We have entered into an agreement with the Catholic News Service to run their video feed on our Web site. This allows us to upload our own videos to the service to be added to our playlist. We will also embed videos from other sources such as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and local news outlets that may have featured a story of interest to our readers.
There is so much more there, so let me do a little “crosspollination” now; go to SouthTexasCatholic.com to get the full treatment. Enjoy.