The first ever BMW Charity Golf Tournament played at the NorthShore Country Club in Portland on July 14 raised about $15,000 for the Guardian Angel Fund at Sts. Cyril and Methodius School. The funds raised will go toward helping families in financial crisis.
“If a parent has a child currently enrolled at Sts. Cyril and Methodius and has suffered a recent financial setback or job loss and is unable to pay tuition, the funds raised from the event will go toward tuition for the child until the families financial situation has stabilized,” school principal Anna Peterson said.
Each player paid $100 for a healthy day of fun and competition and a chance to win a brand new BMW. With an additional $20 purchase of “The Big Ticket,” golfers who scored a hole in one at a Par 3 could have won a BMW. The car dealer offered to give away four BMW’s to players able to make a hole in one.