The first ever True Radiance Modesty Fashion Show in the Diocese of Corpus Christi will beheld on Thursday, May 3, at the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds in Robstown from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Twenty-five high school aged young ladies will serve as models and backstage crew members for the event.
“For the past six months these young ladies have met faithfully and regularly to learn about modesty, chastity and living a virtuous life,” said Deacon Stephen Nolte, director of the Office of Life, Justice and Human Dignity, which provided the impetus for the event.
The Modesty Formation Program’s mission is to prove fashion can be both beautiful and modest. During the program, the girls will be focusing on the true meaning of femininity and growing in faith, virtues and style, Nolte said.
Participants will have the opportunity to participate as a model or a crewmember for the fashion show. After the completion of the entire program, girls will receive a certificate of completion and will be eligible to participate in the Modesty Formation Program on a leadership level in the future.
Tickets for the event are available for purchase at $5 pre-sale. Price at the door will be $10. A limited number of VIP seats are available for $15 each. VIP attendees will receive front row seating and special gifts as a sign of appreciation. Gift bags will be available for the first 500 attendees.
“This program is unique to our diocese. There is a male component to the program called True Valor. Both elements of the program sprang from an idea in the Life, Justice and Human Dignity office to counter the effects of the secular culture. It is our hope to expand these programs into middle schools in the near future,” Deacon Nolte said.
The Office of Life, Justice and Human Dignity worked together with the offices of Youth Ministry and Family Life and young Catholic talents, such as Benjamin and Chelsea Nye, Angie Windnagle and others.
For pre-sale ticket and other information call (361) 882-6191, ext. 687.