Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey encouraged youth to put faith, hope and love into their lives during the homily at the Mini-Youth Spectacular Adoration held at Corpus Christi Cathedral on Aug. 21. About 150 people attended the Adoration, Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction. Prayers were dedicated to all youth in the diocese as they begin the new school year and for the upcoming 30th Anniversary of Youth Spectaculars.
Many of the schools and parishes in attendance were from Corpus Christi Cathedral, Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Incarnate Word Academy, Our Lady of Mount Carmel – Portland, Nuestra Señora de San Juan de los Lagos, Madre de la Iglesia, Sacred Heart Church, Blessed John Paul II High School and St. Michael the Archangel Parish.
Bishop Mulvey thanked the youth for being present and spoke of being renewed by their faith and enthusiasm. “We are here to be renewed together in Christ,” he said.
Encouraged by a message he had heard from Pope Francis at World Youth Day, Bishop Mulvey spoke of the pope’s recipe for young people to add spice into their lives by putting on Christ –faith, hope and love.
By putting on faith, life becomes an adventure with God. Faith brings energy to life. Faith offers a different outlook on life. “By putting on faith, we see that there is more –and that faith leads to hope.
“In hope, we can see tomorrow, we can see next year. There is always hope, there is always more and that spices up life, when you don’t have to live–just with, what is and you have faith that God is with you and that Jesus Christ is with us that gives us faith and hope that it will be a bright tomorrow in all things,” Bishop Mulvey said.
And finally he said, the pope added love to the recipe. “Love where there is no love. To love your enemy – this is the journey of faith we are called to take. It is important that we follow Christ. We can’t do this without Jesus Christ. That’s what it means to put on love," he said.
Bishop Mulvey explained that the pope also told us how to put on Christ. Pope Francis said to listen to His word by picking up the Bible each day and reading the Gospel reading from the Sunday before or the following Sunday and jotting down something Jesus says.
“Do not stick around with people who are like you or whom are easy to be around. Pick out those who are difficult to be around or that you don’t even know, because that’s where your spiritual muscles are applied–that is listening to the word.
“Go to Jesus Christ for the sacraments of penance. Bring your sins to him. Never be afraid to go to Jesus for the sacraments. Meet Christ in the Eucharistic and say to Jesus I love you I want my faith to revolve around you.
“Go and make disciples of all nations. Reach out to all men. Do not be afraid. Serve in simple ways. Serve in the parish and you’ll be ready to serve those who need us most… the lost sheep,” he said.
“Brothers and sisters I am renewed by your presence. We can reach people who have lost their way. Let us put on Christ, let us go, let us not be afraid and let us serve.”
The 30th Annual Youth Spectaculars for middle and high school will be on Sept. 22 and Sept. 29. Both events are from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds in Robstown.