More than 600 students, staff and parents from Blessed John Paul II High School and Bishop Garriga Middle School gathered in the high school Cafetorium on the Feast of the Assumption, Aug. 15, for a Mass celebrated by Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey. The Feast of the Assumption Mass held greater significance for the students this year, since it was the first Mass of the school year.
Bishop Mulvey also came bearing gifts from the World Youth Day Pilgrimage. Two students celebrating their birthdays that day received a cap and a water bottle during the mass. Not forgetting Bishop Mulvey’s birthday, the school presented Bishop with a football jersey and sang “Happy Birthday.” The students look forward to seeing the bishop at the opening football game Aug. 30.
Father Peter Stanley, a longtime supporter of John Paul II High School, and Father Patrick Higgins, the newly-designated chaplain for the high school and Bishop Garriga Middle School, concelebrated the Mass with Bishop Mulvey.