MATHIS - Bishop Wm. Michael Mulvey blessed the new additions to Sacred Heart Church in Mathis on Saturday, Oct. 8. The church installed a new day chapel, a cry room, men and women’s handicapped restroom and a vestibule.
After blessing the renovations, Bishop Mulvey celebrated Mass with Msgr. Louis Kihneman, Vicar General of the diocese, and Father James Puthenparambil, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish.
In his homily Bishop Mulvey said that it was a great joy to be among Sacred Heart parishioners. He explained that before he was a bishop and administrator he had been a priest and a pastor.
“Msgr. Kihneman and I were just talking recently about how we miss that… just being among people of faith,” he said.
“The name of your church, Sacred Heart, is a beautiful name. It means the heart of Jesus. He is the one that sustains us if we allow Him that space and that place in our lives. Our Catholic faith points us in one direction… towards Christ,” the bishop said.
Referring to the Gospel reading about Jesus’ parable of the king, whose invited guests refused to come to a feast, Bishop Mulvey compared Sunday Mass to the feast. “Jesus alludes to an interior attitude to listen and to receive him at this feast. We are called to come Sunday after Sunday properly clothed with a joyful heart,” he said.
After Mass, Father Puthenparambill thanked Bishop Mulvey, Msgr. Kihneman and Father Pete Elizardo for celebrating the joyful occasion with their parish. Doug Webb, a member of the Knights of Columbus, thanked Father Puthenparambill and the congregation joined him in a standing ovation.