February 4, 2022
by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Each year, National Marriage Week USA and World Marriage Day provide an opportunity for the Catholic Church to focus on and celebrate the vocation to marriage and family life. This year, National Marriage Week USA will be celebrated Feb. 7-14 and World Marriage Day, which is commemorated on the second Sunday of February, will be celebrated on Sunday, Feb. 13.
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February 3, 2022
by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Todos los años, la Semana Nacional del Matrimonio en Estados Unidos y el Día Mundial del Matrimonio ofrecen una oportunidad para que la Iglesia Católica se enfoque y celebre la vocación por el matrimonio y la vida familiar. Este año, la Semana Nacional del Matrimonio se celebrará en EE.UU. del 7 al 14 de febrero y el Día Mundial del Matrimonio, que se conmemora el segundo domingo de febrero, se festejará el domingo 13.
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February 2, 2022
by Mary Cottingham, South Texas Catholic
“The New Covenant, the new promise between God and us is found in the Eucharistic celebration, which is a memorial,” Bishop Michael Mulvey said as he delivered his first of three talks on the Eucharist Oct. 2.
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